Tuesday, August 18, 2015

My Business World Bail Out Plans and Dream starting with One Community NIU

I Plan on opening up a lot of companies and Need the support of all But I have a strong family connection which would come in Family Ties and Origin(S) but I plan on opening a lot of businesses ones that consists of community, centers, theaters MAGNET youth and college(s) and Pa and Pop expansions with a European flare #Set I want to expand the DeKalb culture with #NewAgeClass by helping save that Community with a special #360Degree plan I know that minorities during the school years has the whole majority vote including mom and pa shops, college students, and minorities and if combined with Titan and my family, Friends and their staff as well as my plan and their brains we can save that dying community and College, How by Making the whole NIU Campus a Magnet Schools and Universities Like THE Olympic Campus if we Partnered with Different Fraternities and Sororities and Other Universities from IL and California it'd be a success I know My Uncle Is a decorated Marine and So is my cousin and the old NIU POLICE CAPTAIN my uncle appointed and if a Navel or Army base bought into it violence would decrease because NIU force would be run by the government and The DeKalb county can help the surrounding counties to share the weight of small forces. They can use the other Colleges as a European break down Break down the clubs by ages( As in bars and campus housing) groups again so their not around town but in one centralized area. Reopen the near by community centers for testing. Did you know I found out at a clinic I walked to for testing it was cut by the city and the other was closed down and That DeKalb and the NIU area had the highest ratings for STDs and HIV and went to the next one and Thank The Gods and Goddesses clean of all STDs from that point on to date. Simplex 1 vitamins and Abreva or Blistext and 1 week of no sex to wait for results and got them back in 2 days and called and my nurse told me I didn't have a serious one but no need to and shouldn't tell anyone and I told everyone I slept with or came in contact with anyway out of respect then the lung collapsed and Kishwaukee Is The Best. Killwaukee fuck that. They Cemented my lung and I agreed to the latest and great procedures that helped save my life. They should partner with NIU and join up and run all of the NIU Campus and closed ones and have a free test truck that rides around every week with morning after, test and vaccines. They also need to fund my support for the microchip campus solution that's designed by me and titian that keeps track of the students and who's around them by using the phone towers and alert them of any family news in an app and let them know if they come in contact with any STDs or are off your meds. As well as the annual yearly cocktail shot mixed by my future FDA in my labs which offers natural form of every Vaccine Upgraded version to date from past to today mixed with coffee and purified to send out. NIU should open the DeKalb train stops to increase Revenue by building a Mall, Hershey should help build Willy Wonka and the Chocolate FACTORY and Partner with Twix and build Candy land. They also should build a Casino and allow online and off track betting at A monitored Venue(s) and ran by one of my companies. I plan on opening up Studio 815 and buy the Studio 54 rights and have them be premier clubs with all natural beverages and products like an oxygen hookah, cannabis hookah (LikeoneSimsGAmes), Or any electric slpiffs or Marlboro greens, or use the electric hookah I will design. As well as bring a Chapter of the Masons and Skulls and Create Female Chapters of Both as well as Well as star and get funding for the Dance Chapters and Bring A GLBT Chapter from Chicago. I would also Suggest that the apartments and Campus housing partner/sale to/with PangreaRE or Eden's garden Housing complex. Campus Cinemas Should upgrade to one of those new Super Theaters with the 365 Degree Effects with the like the dinner theaters and with smells effects and the 3 screen experience. NIU is known for their great Business, Theater, Engineer, and Nursing Programs in DeKalb. If the Bears or Chicago Teams bought NIU's they'd be champs and open up a college or ESPN Online Vegas style game to bring Vegas to the burbs as well as ESPN Establishment like a restaurant. I hate to see such an historic college possibly be shutting down or closing which is why I feel it should be the first Magnet school as well as create a degree program that offers professionals to come and take one year or semester of the most updated cours(es) in their field or refresher courses like Alumni, People from unions, or work experience, business owners and test out and if they pass they graduate with an honorary degree that they must renew every six years until its been two years of course work study. #Approve #Disagree #2016/17 #Bailout

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