Monday, August 24, 2015


Overtime I have always researched and ventured into the unknown. Now I do have a mental illness but I hope that this doesn't discourage anyone on their quest for further understanding in life. Before our times this world was run and managed by forces and biens and we all walk as one. Now when the power became to much to bear origins split up. Now the Tree's of knowledge vary as well as the serpant(s) tongues came in all the same words just different places and different gifts and powers. No some asked for eternity others for en(light)ment , and some gifts from the Gods. Now I know of one story with some flaws now Adam used a rib to create women but how or who healed him ? What fruits of the vein did he eat from and who did he talk with. Women may have come second but first comes love, then well hell marriage didn't exist and if it wasn't for gays being able to get married in todays time marriage would fade out look at the divorce rate. Now I always wondered what the first words the tree of knowledge provided and why did whatever magic Adam had or whomever create an opposite. There is balance in everything and always has been even in the Universe now when I channeled and called on ancients' they knocked and I welcome them in. Now a presence can come in many forms and smells. It is the spells that lead you to what time you have channeled and the lights reflect contact with said presence. Now some may not believe it but ever religion holds and has all these secrets in their hands in the form of spiritual texts. Now it was hidden in them because they are the ones who can control and lead the order of magic, psychics, life, extraterrestrials, and unity. Now it was these other worldly gifts that and orders that at one time ran the world and ignited wars. Now it is our time we live in when all our talents from old and new must take time to fast and walk this rode into eternity together. Now I sent out spells of prosperity and protection first, yet ever message comes with its price. In order to seek refuge from the order of the Gods you must return the blessings with more blessings of your own. Now know you colors crest and research because someone does answer spells and others prayers. Now I was bitten and spelled in the same night after I reopened my connection for more insight and understanding to life; and yes I asked and welcomed in whatever fears of my studies back into my life. Now their were settle smells and voices that calmed my way and came back from a life I know nothing about death. Now I always said growing up that I'd die for all of the worlds sins and trust I have and am reborn again. Now unless you are willing to place you life in the balance of others the ancients wont reply but stalk and make their judgement and cast your own fate. Now if you embrace them and their teachings and listen to the tales you'll see they are the same stories in every right. No what we know to be true is what some only believed to be in films. Now films cast light by dating back to films now not shown because of their origins and whereabouts. Black and white some may say is too old but how in that time did they provide the special effects classic ( The truth is their in black and white) people just have to except that at that time walks of life walked together in the light of day and night but had understanding of how and when to return to balance what years of war had brought us. Now for more insight go to your text and look up your own references if available (Internet) on some of these foreign practices and followings. Here in America we deem cults but what in other places people believe in as free will. Now as for me I have yet to check into a hospital but did have to wrap some things up but I am on my medication for my diabetes and allergies.

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